Monday, December 31, 2012 the beginning

It is the last day of 2012. I am home alone and surprisingly really happy about that. I really didn't want to be social tonight. I got Barney Dog a nice big rawhide bone and having fun with one of the gifts which I got for Christmas. I received a pocket size water color sketchbook for Christmas along with some colored pencils. I haven't sketched or even doodled for years. Actually I have here and there but not with any consistency. I am feeling the need to start sketching as regularly as I did in my youth. I have actually always felt that urge but for some reason I never disciplined myself enough to keep at it. So now, here I am starting a very public blog which will force me (theoretically) to sketch with more regularity. My goal is to post 365 sketches and doodles by December 31, 2013. It is a challenge to myself and hopefully a fun journey for me and anyone who decides to follow along. I will add more writing as the year goes along and maybe a nice tangled web will be woven as you get to know me and I you through any comments you might be compelled to leave this year.


  1. I'm your first post and will be your fan lol. Looking forward to seeing and following your blog. Best of luck to you over the next year and I will pray that you accomplish your goals. <3 Mary

    1. Thanks Mary! I hope it turns out worth following. :)

  2. Happy new year! I will follow you :)
